FMDrive VST (YM2612) and SPSG VST (SN76489 PSG) MIDI 2 VGM Converter Tools !
Convert your FMDrive VST + SPSG VST Tracks to VGM For VST FMDrive (Megadrive / Genesis FM Synth) and SPSG (PSG SN76489 chip) users DOWNLOAD THE CONVERTERS PACK I never found the time to make some proper info and tutorials regarding the usage of these geeky tools so I decided to make a release of my custom package anyway and do tutorials later, at least it is usable with a bit of reading :D The FMDrive MIDI, + SPSG MIDI compositions to VGM file converters are still beta but 99% stable. The format do not support yet CSM or Special Channel Mode conversion but every other things works, including logging FM registers automation! same for PSG. DAC PCM files are converted the same way. That means that you can have a portable hardware compatible version of your composition and eventually listen to it on the console hardware itself... Huge thanks to ValleyBell from VgmRip for the code works, source code and additional info are also available and open sourced direc...