The VLINN LM1 DRUMS, the world 1st legendary accurate LINN LM-1 Drum Machine VST

Here it is my VLINN LM1 DRUMS VST is out :)

The VLINN use DAC AM6070 emulation to decode the EPROMS content in real time, a specialized DAC back in the days that was able to encode/decode ยต-Law companded data. A form of compression enabling a 12bit range out of 8bit storage.

OPAMP bandwidth little high loss had been removed from the VLINN emulation, this is a design choice I have made as it improves slightly CPU performances without, you can get rid of the extra top end if needed with a few Db roll off but this is useless, take in account that Linn LM1's were usually processed to console channel strips with EQ etc...

Also please check the website and VLINN manual for explanation on the internal 48 PPQN resolution of the LM1 sequencer and why it influences the groove.

The VLINN use the exact AM6070 DAC data decoding scheme.


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